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Infant Classroom

Our infant classroom is open to students from 0 to 12 months.

Give your child the best start to life 305-860-3300 Call

First Steps Into Learning

The first months of your baby's life are prime time for learning time. This is when they develop their foundation for compassion, resilience, and life-long learning!

A Cherry Blossom… 

As they progress through the infant program, your baby will progress in their physical development by taking their first steps. They will develop social-emotional skills sharing smiles and begin speaking their first words with early literacy.

More play, more learning.

Infant Preschool Miami
Toddler Daycare Miami
Learning Objectives
  • Expose to new vocabulary
  • Experiment with sounds
  • Movement
  • Develop object permanence
  • Respond to emotion
  • And much more
Skills Developed
  • Gross motor (crawl, stand, balance)
  • Fine motor (grab, pull, push)
  • Eat solid food
  • Language development (babble, coo, blow raspberry)
  • And much more