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Toddler 2 Classroom

Our Toddler 2 classroom is open to students from 24 to 36 months.

Give your child the best start to life 305-860-3300 Call

Teaching 2’s 

At 2 years-old the brain begins developing memory, language, and thinking and reasoning skills! 

Our Toddler 2 class is designed to develop problem-solving skills and foster independence with potty training assistance. We implement potty training techniques in the class’s curriculum to help students reach that developmental milestone and build self-confidence.  

With the help of small group activities, guided play, and age-appropriate materials, your toddler will grow cognitively and emotionally, preparing them for the next stages of their learning journey! 

Guiding Toddlers Toward Independence and Discovery

Toddler 2 Miami
Toddler Daycare Miami
Learning Objectives
  • Recognize & recite the alphabet
  • Identify & sort colors
  • Develop mathematical thinking (big, tall, wide, etc.)
  • Form 2-to-3-word phrases
  • And much more
Skills Developed
  • Gross motor (kick, hop, balance, etc.)
  • Fine motor (thread beads, hold scissors, drawing, etc.)
  • Potty-trained
  • Basic problem-solving
  • And much more